Documents To Prepare For College Bound Students
Even more important than the multiple trips to Target for dorm decorations for your college bound student are the legal documents needed after they have turned 18.
You may be paying your child's tuition and expenses and covering him or her on your health insurance, but in the eyes of the law, your 18-year-old is legally an adult and entitled to the same privacy protection for health care that you are. This means that if something were to happen to your child and they were sent to the hospital and you do not have the proper documents prepared, you would be left in the dark on your child's state and condition with nothing to do about it.
If you have children or grandchildren are getting ready to leave for college, you may want to consider executing a Medical Power of Attorney and/or General Power of Attorney as well as a HIPPA release.
A Medical Power of Attorney covers making health decisions and accessing medical information for your student if they are incapable of doing it themselves.
A HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) form gives medical professionals permission to share information about their patient.
A General Power of Attorney would cover financial matters and/or any other matters for your student such as financial accounts and ... grades.
In an effort to offer you services above and beyond the typical financial advisor, we are offering a back to school special through the end of October 2017. For 24% off, we will prepare a Medical Power of Attorney and a General Power of Attorney for your student at $95. This is a discounted rate from $125.
Call and ask for Jordan with any questions you may have and to schedule an appointment!