"If I have student loans to pay off, should I also save for retirement?"
Even if you can only contribute a small portion of your paycheck to retirement, it’s typically better to start early and invest small amounts than to put away nothing at all.
Even if you can only contribute a small portion of your paycheck to retirement, it’s typically better to start early and invest small amounts than to put away nothing at all.
Saving money doesn't necessarily have to be a difficult or perplexing enigma you have to solve immediately. There are ways that you can start today — regardless of how much money you make or how much debt you have.
Typically, when a company goes public, it hires investment banks to handle all the complicated stuff. But Spotify did a direct listing. Meaning: no banks underwriting it. No set share price before the debut. And no new stocks issued.
Before you pop open any champagne for New Year’s Eve, make sure that your money is ready for 2018.
This week marks the 30th anniversary of Black Monday, October 19,1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 508 points and the S&P 500 saw a one-day loss of -20.5%.
"My advisor should help me get out of low-performing investments—and get into high-performing investments" / "My advisor only focuses on my account balance—everything else is up to me"/ "When the market swings, my advisor should make a change to my portfolio." / "If my portfolio doesn’t include the most popular investments, my advisor isn’t doing a good job."/ "I only need an advisor if my portfolio is complex."