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Ironhorse Insights & News

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Dangers of FOMO

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) can lead to impulsive investment decisions and significant financial losses. In this post, we explore the dangers of FOMO and survivorship bias, offering insights into how these psychological factors can impact your investment strategy. Learn how to make informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve long-term financial growth by staying disciplined and focused on your goals.

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What a Strange Half a Year It's Been

If you look just at the strength of companies in the S&P 500, earnings growth is looking to be above 19% and this is following over 24% in the 1st qtr. Consumer sentiment remains high, the Small Business Optimism index hit its 6th highest reading in history, the job market is robust, wages are starting to increase-things are looking pretty rosy. What hasn’t been fun is the market itself.

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