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Ironhorse Insights & News

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"Magic" Retirement Numbers

Understanding your "magic" retirement number is crucial for securing a comfortable future. Recent research reveals that Americans now believe they need $1.46 million to retire comfortably, up from previous estimates. This post delves into the factors driving this shift, the impact of inflation, and how you can determine your own retirement needs. Join us as we explore strategies to help you achieve financial security in retirement.

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What a Strange Half a Year It's Been

If you look just at the strength of companies in the S&P 500, earnings growth is looking to be above 19% and this is following over 24% in the 1st qtr. Consumer sentiment remains high, the Small Business Optimism index hit its 6th highest reading in history, the job market is robust, wages are starting to increase-things are looking pretty rosy. What hasn’t been fun is the market itself.

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5 Common Myths You Should Know About Financial Advice

"My advisor should help me get out of low-performing investments—and get into high-performing investments" / "My advisor only focuses on my account balance—everything else is up to me"/ "When the market swings, my advisor should make a change to my portfolio." / "If my portfolio doesn’t include the most popular investments, my advisor isn’t doing a good job."/ "I only need an advisor if my portfolio is complex."

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