Keeping Perspective in Volatile Markets
This week marks the 30th anniversary of Black Monday, October 19,1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 508 points and the S&P 500 saw a one-day loss of -20.5%.
This week marks the 30th anniversary of Black Monday, October 19,1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 508 points and the S&P 500 saw a one-day loss of -20.5%.
"My advisor should help me get out of low-performing investments—and get into high-performing investments" / "My advisor only focuses on my account balance—everything else is up to me"/ "When the market swings, my advisor should make a change to my portfolio." / "If my portfolio doesn’t include the most popular investments, my advisor isn’t doing a good job."/ "I only need an advisor if my portfolio is complex."
Even people who have done extensive estate planning often overlook one important fact: digital assets like your social media accounts, online accounts and other digital information may be frozen upon your death making it nearly impossible for your family and other loved ones to access this information after you die.
You may be paying your child's tuition and expenses and covering him or her on your health insurance but in the eyes of the law, your 18-year-old is legally an adult and entitled to the same privacy protection for health care that you are.
The first thing you need to figure out is how much of your contribution your employer is wiling to match. This is usually expressed as a percentage, with employers often matching up to 6% of salary. That means for every dollar you contribute up to 6% of your salary, your employer contributes something to match that contribution.
Almost every day in the investing world, you will hear terms "bull" and "bear" to describe market conditions. But what exactly do these terms mean and where did the names come from?